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Photo competition – November and December 2013 – « CRC »

Submitted by on samedi, 2 novembre 2013No Comment

Dear Friends,

Many people, many types of media, etc. talk about Childrens Rights on 20 November each year on the occasion of the Universal Day… of Childrens Rights! But what happens on the other 364 days?

Silence, an awful silence, for example, Syrian children have been massacred for more than 2 years while the United Nations Universal Childrens Rights Day expressly protects them against this.

In order to explain children’s rights to them so that they understand easily, and do it in a fun and interesting manner, the CyberDodo initiative has developed cartoons, games, case files, books, quizzes, etc. and a website which is already available in 4 languages.

In addition, we are organising activities on the ground, like the one held in Jordan on 20 June for International Refugees Day, click here to see the video.

In these fun meetings, we ask children to sign the Convention so that the contract made with adults becomes official and is finally respected. This is the theme of our photo competition for the months of November and December 2013.

What photo should you send us?

Take a photo of yourself signing the Convention, you must be visible and CyberDodo too, apart from these rules, everything is possible, just let your imagination run free! You can take inspiration from the picture below.


What prizes will our winners receive?

There are 2 Nintendo 3DS XL to be won, therefore there will be 2 winners…


In order to find out the details of the competition, click on the pictures in this message or here.

Good luck to you all and don’t forget to become a fan of our Facebook page (And to suggest that your friends do the same)


And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter


Well done to Anaël from Madagascar who has won our « Ambassador » photo competition and who furthermore will be the youngest CyberDodo Ambassador (Even the extraordinary Kyllian looks old next to him), he will receive a Nintendo 3 DS XL (actually, his parents will!)


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